Education and Training

What is included in Education and Training?

The NorthCentral FSET program is committed to helping you receive the education and training necessary to progress on your chosen career path.

FSET can support education opportunities that are two years or less. If you are interested in a longer program, we can help refer you to a program that works with 4 year degree programs.

If you want to pursue an education program that is eligible for federal financial aid, FSET cannot pay for the program tuition, but may be able to help with books, supplies or transportation cost.

Approval Process

We need to complete an approval process for training that is funded through FSET. A case manager will guide you through that process. The approval process evaluates:

  • Is the training for an in-demand job?
  • Have you demonstrated interest in this field for a career (evaluated through career assessments)?
  • Are you able to get to the training?
  • Does the FSET program have available funding?