Why do I need to follow-up with a thank you letter after an interview?

Following up with an employer after an interview by sending a thank you letter can help show that you are highly interested in the Position. It also shows the employer that they are a high priority for you. Taking the extra step can help the employer see you as professional, interested, and motivated, all things that will keep you remembered as a positive candidate.


When should I follow up after an interview?

Following up through a thank you card or email should be done within the first 24 hours after an interview. Waiting to follow up to long after an interview may show procrastination. 


If possible ask your interviewers for their business cards so that you have proper contact information such as email address, physical address, and proper spelling of names. If you are not able to gather this information make sure that you write down the names of your interviewer(s) so that you do not forget.

What should I include?

When writing a thank you letter think about your interview. Which skills and qualifications did the interviewer appear most interested in? Make sure to include this information as a selling strategy on why you are a good fit for the company. Keep your audience in mind and address any issues or concerns that you feel they may have.  Remember that thank you letters should be positive and proofread, proofread, proofread. A thank you letter is showcasing your written communication skills. There is no room in error for grammatical or spelling errors.


Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:


It was a pleasure meeting you the other day and discussing the teaching assistant position at ABC Middle School. I really appreciate the time you took interviewing me for the position.

I enjoyed meeting everyone on the sixth grade team, and getting to ask them questions about the teaching assistant position. The more I spoke with you and the team, the more I was convinced that my teaching experience and my passion for small-classroom learning make me a strong candidate for this position.

I look forward to hearing from you next week regarding your final decision. Feel free to reach out to me beforehand with any questions or concerns. Again, my phone number is 555-555-5555.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.



John Smith 


Example courtesy of TheBalance.com 




Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:


I sincerely enjoyed meeting with you yesterday and learning more about the Position at Employer.

Our conversation confirmed my interest in becoming part of Employer's staff. I was particularly pleased at the prospect of being able to develop my own article ideas with the head of the bureau, and develop my multi-media skills.


I feel confident that my experiences both in the workplace and in the classroom would enable me to fill the job requirements effectively.


Please feel free to contact me if I can provide you with any further information. I look forward eagerly to hearing from you, and thank you again for the courtesy you extended to me.




Example courtesy of TheBalance.com