Quadrant Test

Most employers will read a resume in a "Z" like pattern starting from the top left hand side of the page. Make sure that when designing your resume that you include your most important information in top left corner of the page. Balancing the information that you provide will also help with the flow of your resume. This includes information and white space. Check each quadrant to ensure that your resume looks balanced. To do this draw a "+" through your resume like below.







20 Second Test

Most employers will only spend a few seconds looking over your resume before deciding to interview you for the position. Utilize the 20 second test to ensure that your resume is highlighting the material that you want it to.


In order to complete the 20 second test have a friend, teacher, or someone you trust to look over your resume for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds have them tell or write what they learned about you or key things that stood out to them. Ask yourself if this information is what you deemed to be most important on your resume. If not you may need to rearrange the material on your resume to paint you in the best light possible.