FSET Services

Whether you volunteer for FSET or join FSET to meet your work requirement, there are a wide variety of services you can receive in our program including:



  • GED/HSED classes
  • Certified Training Programs (C.N.A., PCW, Welding, etc.)
  • Job Skills Training classes (MS Office, Customer Service, etc.)
Job Search 
  • Resume Development
  • Online profile assistance (including email, job boards, and online applications)
  • Local job leads
  • Job Club and job search workshops
Work Experience
  • Unpaid work experience at non-profit and for profit businesses
  • Co-enrollment in WIA program for work experience opportunities
  • Co-enrollment in Senior Community Service Employment Program for paid work experience
  • Co-enrollment in DVR for work experience opportunities
Support Services
  • Gas cards to reimburse travel for FSET activities
  • Bus tickets/taxi tickets for FSET activities
  • Work-related clothing and supplies
  • Training costs
  • Haircut vouchers for FSET activities